Monday, October 03, 2005

Far Too Long

3 October 2005

These tears
behind my eyes, welling; choking;
needing to spill down my
cheeks, dry for far too long.

I cannot close my eyes, or else
they'll run free, finally pressed
beyond capacity to reinforce
self-delusion; fantasies of
what is not, nor ever was.

I fear this acknowledgement
of grief; abandonment;
acceptance of reality as it stands
right now.

It's not that I desire insanity; rather,
these fantasies distract me
from infirmities which threaten to undo
my well-being. I seek to preserve
what I can of what is left of who I was;
who they were; what I once held
as Truth.

I'm afraid it comes to this, and naught else:
The practice of sanity demands a price...
I feel the tension in the strings
of my psychological purse... I take my leave

and long to see no more of these
selves which I have carried around
for years inside of me. They dwell
within the waters of my mind;

the tears
behind my eyes, welling; choking;
needing to spill down my
cheeks, dry for far too long.

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George MacDonald

"Home is ever so far away in the palm of your hand, and how to get there it is of no use to tell you. But you will get there; you must get there; you have to get there. Everybody who is not at home, has to go home."

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